
Finally got my moment and it’s all coming together.

There’s no great gotcha moment on this one, just finally stuck it to my boss. I got a better offer in a different industry that fits my resume, going from 52K to 65K with a growth plan. For the last six months I have started reporting to a new boss who used to be the VP and got bumped down to a front line manager when we were acquired by a larger company. He’s a moron, basically the village idiot, the type of guy that can’t read a spreadsheet then will blame it on him having his laptop crooked or stop a meeting because he was texting and hasn’t been paying attention. So I’ve basically been his b**** for six months, I crush my department – day in and day out. I delegate what needs delegating and do what they don’t need to be bothered with while also basically just…

There’s no great gotcha moment on this one, just finally stuck it to my boss.

I got a better offer in a different industry that fits my resume, going from 52K to 65K with a growth plan.

For the last six months I have started reporting to a new boss who used to be the VP and got bumped down to a front line manager when we were acquired by a larger company.

He’s a moron, basically the village idiot, the type of guy that can’t read a spreadsheet then will blame it on him having his laptop crooked or stop a meeting because he was texting and hasn’t been paying attention.

So I’ve basically been his b**** for six months, I crush my department – day in and day out. I delegate what needs delegating and do what they don’t need to be bothered with while also basically just doing this guy’s day-to-day because he’s incompetent. He’s lied to myself and HR multiple times and tasked me with maintenance things that I’m not qualified to handle because I am not a maintenance guy.. but his son is the head of maintenance so he loves to have a scapegoat.

Well that all ends today, I submitted my letter of resignation last night, gave my two weeks, and everything is starting to blow up already. My coworkers are trying to figure who’s going to take which responsibilities, there’s a big project that just came down from corporate, and sales just spiked so the basic work we do is about to go up. Plus the guy that should be taking my job is out for a month and a half the day my two weeks end.

Top it all off, my now ex-boss just rolled out for the day at lunch and his boss is coming to town for the week starting tomorrow.

So I get to eat popcorn and watch the fireworks for two weeks.

Oh and HR asked why I was leaving and I called him the village idiot.

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