
finally handed in my notice

I couldn't even wait for the next working day and did it last night before going to bed. I was missold a role in a tech industry. I've instead spent months trying to get what was agreed, meanwhile losing essential developments in the software I used to work with. It naturally turned sour, and I've had my capability constantly criticised, no accommodations to health issues or declared disability until I got a union involved and my 1:1s became tense stand offs. the office politics became rife, workload unreasonable with tasks sent 5 mins before finish time that was always be urgent and shoud “only take 5 mins” then berate me when I did it wrong as I rushed it or was exhausted from working another day with no lunch and into the evening. Everything has been so focused on my cability, the fact the role wasn't as advertised as become…

I couldn't even wait for the next working day and did it last night before going to bed. I was missold a role in a tech industry. I've instead spent months trying to get what was agreed, meanwhile losing essential developments in the software I used to work with.

It naturally turned sour, and I've had my capability constantly criticised, no accommodations to health issues or declared disability until I got a union involved and my 1:1s became tense stand offs. the office politics became rife, workload unreasonable with tasks sent 5 mins before finish time that was always be urgent and shoud “only take 5 mins” then berate me when I did it wrong as I rushed it or was exhausted from working another day with no lunch and into the evening. Everything has been so focused on my cability, the fact the role wasn't as advertised as become a distant memory because I'm constantly fighting fires for the missold aspects of my role. Yesterday I was exhausted by it. I'd been sitting on another offer for a few weeks, and after being dragged into another 1:1 and told “I'm not trying to be an arse, I'm trying to help you” – I gave up. I was tired of fighting, not having my voice heard. I got home, spoke to a friend, cooked my dinner and emailed my resignation. I'm so happy to finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. Dreading going in Monday however to deal with another 1:1 to discuss my resignation.

Anyway thought I'd share some positivity that you can leave crappy jobs! Yey!

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