
Finally leaving. I needed to vent about it first though.

I've only been here for about a month, and I wish I'd left sooner. Before I had even gotten to start work, they wanted me to sign a contract agreeing to “late fees” of $50 for the first transgression, $150 for the second, and $250 for the third. I didn't sign it, of course, and when I told them why, I was given a “new” one because I was accidentally sent the old one. Fine. Signed the new one that had the late fee bs taken out of it. I start work, and despite telling them I absolutely needed 40 hours a week, I was given half that. I was also told not to take lunch breaks when I'm working alone because corporate doesn't like it when we close during open hours. My manager makes lunch breaks out to be unnecessary and complains to me about past employees who have…

I've only been here for about a month, and I wish I'd left sooner.
Before I had even gotten to start work, they wanted me to sign a contract agreeing to “late fees” of $50 for the first transgression, $150 for the second, and $250 for the third. I didn't sign it, of course, and when I told them why, I was given a “new” one because I was accidentally sent the old one. Fine. Signed the new one that had the late fee bs taken out of it.
I start work, and despite telling them I absolutely needed 40 hours a week, I was given half that.
I was also told not to take lunch breaks when I'm working alone because corporate doesn't like it when we close during open hours. My manager makes lunch breaks out to be unnecessary and complains to me about past employees who have taken them.
Another employee who had been here longer tells me that those aforementioned late fees were actually a new policy they had in place.
I've also been written up 5 times in the month I worked here, for not being able to afford a doctor's note when calling out sick, for coming in with a migraine and having my head down on the desk, for being late (despite my explaining that I had asked for an uber and they didn't show up for another 40 minutes. No fault to the driver. The traffic was God awful that day), and for not responding to a message someone from corporate sent (with an emoji I might add) because I didn't see it.
I take being lied to and disrespected very seriously. I have been nothing but. I should never have stayed here so long.
I plan to report this buisness as soon as I leave. Friday is my last day.

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