
Finally my ex bosses are getting some kind of karma

So, I was a receptionist at a hair salon for about five and a half years, started there when I was 19. From my first Christmas there, it was nothing but downhill. I got screamed at for not purchasing the mince pies for customers that they'd never asked me to get, or even told me it was a thing we did at Christmas. They were a married couple who owned it and very volatile functioning alcoholics. The wife threatened to punch me in the face when I tried to hand in my notice once, the husband would shout and belittle. He even made a comment to a stylist saying he emotionally abuses me to make me a better person. Not to forget the time we went to an event and one of the girls didn't feel well on the tube and fainted, he just took out his phone and recorded…

So, I was a receptionist at a hair salon for about five and a half years, started there when I was 19. From my first Christmas there, it was nothing but downhill. I got screamed at for not purchasing the mince pies for customers that they'd never asked me to get, or even told me it was a thing we did at Christmas. They were a married couple who owned it and very volatile functioning alcoholics.

The wife threatened to punch me in the face when I tried to hand in my notice once, the husband would shout and belittle. He even made a comment to a stylist saying he emotionally abuses me to make me a better person. Not to forget the time we went to an event and one of the girls didn't feel well on the tube and fainted, he just took out his phone and recorded her instead of helping, trying to document the state and the fact her skirt had come up.

It did nothing but traumatise me. Of course, at the time, I didn't realise how bad it was and it took a while to leave but I can't believe I ever put up with it. I used to drink daily, most the staff did, it was even encouraged by the bosses. Glass of wine at 8am before shift just so I could find the will to actually go in. Although, they didn't believe in sickness so calling out would've never worked anyway. Even with norovirus the husband didn't see a reason for me to go home.

They picked on other people too. One of the nicest guys I've ever met, they destroyed his confidence with constant comments about his weight and his performance, which I never understood. Why have someone work for you if you despise all of his work?

I left almost two years ago, met my now girlfriend at the job I got after leaving and now I'm working in the city and enjoying it. Meanwhile, they've had to close one branch, multiple staff have left as well as customers and they're struggling (from what I've heard, I'm still in touch with some of the girls.)

I should probably feel bad for being happy about it. But, after the years of emotional abuse on myself and other staff, it's so relieving to hear they're not doing great.

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