
Fired After A Week For Differing Opinion

Background, I moved to this city for a Security Administration position for a local county. Been doing this kind of work for 10 years, but often profiled because of my relatively young age (late twenties) I also hold a degree in Network Security and Administration. I go through the normal interview process, everything is normal. First day I go to work is last week, and thats when things immediately start getting strange. I started asking some normal questions, (i.e processes and what is it specifically that is in place today) after hearing some of this information, I find out that they have some severe holes that aren't recognized by the IT Director because he's ancient (been in government IT for 20+ years). I inform him that we should probably look at doing XYZ solution for XYZ problem, and explain why it is a problem, and how it's exploited, etc. I…

Background, I moved to this city for a Security Administration position for a local county. Been doing this kind of work for 10 years, but often profiled because of my relatively young age (late twenties) I also hold a degree in Network Security and Administration.

I go through the normal interview process, everything is normal. First day I go to work is last week, and thats when things immediately start getting strange. I started asking some normal questions, (i.e processes and what is it specifically that is in place today) after hearing some of this information, I find out that they have some severe holes that aren't recognized by the IT Director because he's ancient (been in government IT for 20+ years). I inform him that we should probably look at doing XYZ solution for XYZ problem, and explain why it is a problem, and how it's exploited, etc. I then proceeded to be told that I wasn't in a “learning mindset” and needed to be. That I wasn't hired to fix anything, but to fill the role. In my mind if my title and job offer say to research current security topics, revelations, trends etc, I'm going to point that out and why we're vulnerable. Mr. IT Director (AKA dumbass) I then am proceeded to be told that my reference said I could be arrogant.

Funny enough – I know that was never said. I was in the room when they called. I then was told that I was being very negative and combative. Then the dumbass proceeds to call me up to HR and let me know that I'm being let go a few days later because “things aren't a good fit” This came 4 hours after I pointed out that there were strong indicators of a web server that was compromised and sending out sensitive information to unknown entities. My summary of the situation from my perspective is he is faking it until retirement, I saw through it immediately, and I was about to end his “never been compromised in 10 years” streak that he brought up constantly to other department heads and the county commission. Fun times.

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