
Fired after complaining? Is this even legal?

I'll make a TLDR but for anyone who wants the full story, here it is. I appreciate people's thoughts and time spent reading. I've been working at this job since the first week of April. I love my coworkers, the dogs, and the duties in general. Despite me LIKING working hard and what I do, it's a LOT of work. My shift is consistently 6am-10am , lunch, and then 12pm-5:30pm. I usually walk 8-9 miles at work according to my fitbit. I'm a college student so it's a lot to do when you have a bunch of school work, but I'm fine with it. The dogs can be aggressive (I've gotten bit, scratched and bled, I've also gotten bleach in my eyes cleaning because of the uneffective ways we're supposed to do things), I clean a LOT and there's no opportunities to even sit during work. Anyway, I noticed I've…

I'll make a TLDR but for anyone who wants the full story, here it is. I appreciate people's thoughts and time spent reading.

I've been working at this job since the first week of April. I love my coworkers, the dogs, and the duties in general. Despite me LIKING working hard and what I do, it's a LOT of work. My shift is consistently 6am-10am , lunch, and then 12pm-5:30pm. I usually walk 8-9 miles at work according to my fitbit. I'm a college student so it's a lot to do when you have a bunch of school work, but I'm fine with it. The dogs can be aggressive (I've gotten bit, scratched and bled, I've also gotten bleach in my eyes cleaning because of the uneffective ways we're supposed to do things), I clean a LOT and there's no opportunities to even sit during work.

Anyway, I noticed I've been getting unfairly treated. My, let's call her, SHITTY manager gets MAD if I call out, (I only called out twice. I had covid which I provided proof for, and then I was just sick one day). She makes me feel guilty and describes how much of an inconvenience it is for her. I thought this was weird because at other jobs I've had, they'd understand and be nice about it.

I also was the ONLY staff member having to do ONE job. We have 4 different roles at this job, and I was told I'd be trained in them all. After a month of doing the same role, I watched people NEWER than me get trained in all 4 roles. The end of May comes, and it's been TWO MONTHS of me doing the same, repetitive, and arguably hardest job physically. I ask about it and no answers come. I would also make small, harmless mistakes at this job since it's complex and y'know, I'm a NEW employee, and she'd condescendingly make me feel bad about it (and write me up for them, but I didn't know this until now). For example, I let the dogs outside an hour early by accident, realized my mistake immediately, and my coworkers said it didn't matter. This manager put our schedule on a lanyard and told me to hang it around my neck. Little did I know, this would be one of the reasons I'm fired.

Finally, I complain to another manager from our other location (she's a general manager type so she technically works in both buildings) and tell her I think I'm going to quit, cry, let out all my feelings about the way my shitty manager treats me. She talks to me for about an hour, on-site, telling me my concerns are very valid and odd. She says my shitty manager doesn't have experience in management, She says she's going to bring this up to the owner. She says she wants me to stay and urges me to not quit. She agrees that there seems to be favoritism in the workplace. The thing is, one of my coworkers saw us talking, and this coworker happens to be FRIENDS with the shitty manager.

I don't know what happened, but the NEXT shift I have, I'm suddenly fired by “shitty manager” because of a LIST of violations. 1, my family emergency where I took my dad to the hospital so I was AN HOUR late. 2, I accidentally did something at work an hour early, to which at the time my coworkers said “eh, it's fine, I do that all the time” (are you allowed to get a violation over a mistake you make as a new employee??). 3, I was sick and called out but didn't provide a doctors note, which is fine but I had no idea I had to go to the doctor for what was clearly just food poisoning or a stomach bug. 4, I left work without asking after my shift was over for 10 minutes and I couldn't find my manager anywhere.

Can I also just say it sucks to try and quit a job, just to get fired? it's like a “you can't quit, you're fired” type thing and I really regret not just quitting that day. I REALLY liked this job, even going as far to tell people “I love my job” all the time. I got paid minimum wage, and where I live, I could make more working at Walmart.

TLDR; I complained to a manager at work about how I felt I was being unfairly treated, that manager agrees that the complaints I have are valid and I shouldn't be treated like that, but then my other shitty manager FIRES me the next shift I have. It feels personal and I don't even understand why I'm fired. I've always worked hard, have only been late once in my entire working life due to taking my father to the hospital. I worked on my birthday, and missed family trips and events for this job, prioritized it over my schoolwork (I know, my fault), and it feels as though it was all for nothing. Everyone in my life can attest to how tired, mentally and physically drained I always am from this job, and I don't even sit around talking like my coworkers do. What do you guys think? Am I in the wrong? Please be honest and put yourselves in my shoes!

Also, you might be thinking, it was literally only 2 months, but I worked almost 30 hours a week which is a lot for me as a full-time college student.

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