I got hired to work for an insurance fraud investigation agency. I had no prior experience and the employer knew this going in. My hiring group consisted of 5 people and everyone else had prior experience doing private investigating and paralegal work. So right off the bat, I was intimidated and knew I was the weakest link of the group. I was constantly accepting the help of my trainers and mentors to try and learn the material (which was very disorganized and presented very poorly). They were so adamant about helping us though. I had some tech issues with my computer not cooperating one day, and also my internet completely went out on another day. So I totally take responsibility for all of these factors that were my fault. But everyone was so understanding and encouraging to me through all of these things. The three trainers all separately told me how great I was doing despite being so new to everything. One even told me “not to fret” when I told her I was worried about having made a bad impression due to my tech issues and inexperience. But obviously, I was right to worry I guess.
I was on a break during my last shift this week, and I got an email from one of the trainers telling me she was going to call me once I clocked back in and got settled. It’s wild to me she had me clock back in for like two minutes just to fire me but whatever. She called on her own personal phone number, and I almost didn’t recognize her voice because normally she was overly bubbly and nice, and on this call she was the opposite. She also let me know there was another woman on the line with us, a woman from HR who I knew of from the beginning hiring process. The trainer said they were terminating my employment and it would be effective immediately because of me being “unable to meet expectations”. I tried to fight back tears and panic as I asked what I could do to change their mind if there was anything, I told them I was sorry for being in the way and asking for help all the time but that if they let me I could do the job. The HR lady took over the conversation and trying to cut me off as I was saying these things and kept saying “(my name), no.” in a very scolding condescending tone, like the way I’ve talked to my dog when he’s doing something he’s not supposed to do. She kept repeating that this was a final decision. Her tone and energy was very much treating me like I was crazy and like it was obvious what I did wrong. They wouldn’t tell me what exactly I did that caused me to get fired on the spot. I know employers don’t have to disclose that. It doesn’t change that it was jarring and seemed unfair to do with no warning at all. Especially with how overly encouraging they all were to me. For all I know the reason could’ve been as ridiculous to them not liking the way I talked to something as serious as me being the only POC in the hiring group and out of the whole company pretty much. Who knows? In retrospect, I really wish I would’ve just accepted the termination rather than asked how I could fix it in desperation.
I’m very distraught over this. I can’t sleep or eat. I quit my previous job to take this one, and now am unemployed and panicked. It’s made me question who I am as a worker and person because as far as I knew, I was a very reliable worker. I’ve never had a problem holding down a job and have always excelled in school and work. I’m really not sure where to go from here, and I guess I’m just posting this to maybe find people who have some advice or have even gone through something like this as well.