
Fired before Christmas

I worked as a media clerk (librarian) at a middle school. I was there for three months, and just at the end of my probationary period. The principal then called me in and told me that my position was being eliminated (it wasn’t, there’s a posting for that job on their website right now). They then said I had performance problems, like forgetting how the printer worked, one time, and failing to shelve all my books, which yeah, there are like a hundred books to shelve and I’m only there for four hours. They capped it off by saying I move too slow. So I asked three times if I was being fired for being too slow. Each time, they said yes. I then told them that on the job application, I signed the disability disclosure, saying I had autism. Firing me due to that would be violating the Americans…

I worked as a media clerk (librarian) at a middle school. I was there for three months, and just at the end of my probationary period. The principal then called me in and told me that my position was being eliminated (it wasn’t, there’s a posting for that job on their website right now). They then said I had performance problems, like forgetting how the printer worked, one time, and failing to shelve all my books, which yeah, there are like a hundred books to shelve and I’m only there for four hours. They capped it off by saying I move too slow. So I asked three times if I was being fired for being too slow. Each time, they said yes. I then told them that on the job application, I signed the disability disclosure, saying I had autism. Firing me due to that would be violating the Americans With Disabilities Act. They then said they weren’t firing me cause I was slow but due to attendance (a completely out of nowhere complaint). They said I was gone 10% of the time I was there, which I wasn’t. I was gone for 4 days, and the last time I checked, 4/60 is not .1. I then pointed out that three of those fours days were sick days, due to Covid, which the school ORDERED me to take. Also, in my contract I’m allowed 10 sick days and 3 personal days a year. They basically said I should’ve stayed home, but I was being fired anyway. I asked why would you give people so much time off if you don’t want them to use it? They had no response. I really enjoyed that job but that just killed working for a school ever again.

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