
Fired for breaking my leg on the job

My boss was always trying to get me to work longer hours for free. She would say things like, “If you just stay a little longer, we can get this project done.” or “I know you're tired, but if you can just push through, we'll finish this up and you can go home.” I was never really sure why she wanted me to work so much for free, but I always suspected it had something to do with her own greed. One day, I was working on a project that required a lot of manual labor. I was already exhausted from working long hours for several days in a row, but my boss kept pushing me to work harder and faster. Eventually, I made a mistake and broke my leg on the job. I was in excruciating pain and had to go to the hospital. When I returned to work,…

My boss was always trying to get me to work longer hours for free. She would say things like, “If you just stay a little longer, we can get this project done.” or “I know you're tired, but if you can just push through, we'll finish this up and you can go home.” I was never really sure why she wanted me to work so much for free, but I always suspected it had something to do with her own greed.

One day, I was working on a project that required a lot of manual labor. I was already exhausted from working long hours for several days in a row, but my boss kept pushing me to work harder and faster. Eventually, I made a mistake and broke my leg on the job. I was in excruciating pain and had to go to the hospital.

When I returned to work, my boss was furious. She demanded to know why I had been so careless and said that I was lucky she didn't fire me. She told me I could take a few days off to recover, but then I had to come back and work even longer hours to make up for the time I had missed. I was in a lot of pain and could barely walk, but I knew I had to return to work as soon as I could.

I made it back after a few days and couldn’t do the work I was being assigned, nor could I stand on my feet for the gruelling 12 hour shifts I was put on. My boss pulled me into a meeting and told me I was being fired. I collected my things and went home.

Since then, I’ve made it my mission to ruin her life, by arranging envelopes full of glitter to arrive in her office and to her home. I bet it went everywhere.

As of today, not only have I successfully won a wrongful termination claim but I’ve also successfully sued for months of lost wages and compensation for my leg! She’s ruined!

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