
Fired for not doing someone elses job

This feels more like a rant than anything but here goes. Tldr at bottom I worked at a car dealership. Started at the beginning of covid about 2 weeks before lockdown. We shut down and they laid everyone off but we were an essential business and they called me and a few others back to work right away. I went from receptionist to helping out in service, dealing with the rental fleet, eventually was asked to work in bookkeeping, so on. That turned into everyone asking me to do things that werent in the “receptionist” job description. I like being busy so that was fine. Was working tons of overtime. I also got a raise so it felt like my hard work was somewhat being noticed. Everyone was called back to work but the other receptionist was going on maternity leave, so we hired a new girl (A). Training A…

This feels more like a rant than anything but here goes.
Tldr at bottom

I worked at a car dealership. Started at the beginning of covid about 2 weeks before lockdown. We shut down and they laid everyone off but we were an essential business and they called me and a few others back to work right away. I went from receptionist to helping out in service, dealing with the rental fleet, eventually was asked to work in bookkeeping, so on. That turned into everyone asking me to do things that werent in the “receptionist” job description. I like being busy so that was fine. Was working tons of overtime. I also got a raise so it felt like my hard work was somewhat being noticed. Everyone was called back to work but the other receptionist was going on maternity leave, so we hired a new girl (A). Training A was.. rough.. She didnt feel the need to take any notes which i thought fine, its a pretty simple job, but then came all the fuckups from her that i ended up fixing. Constantly fixing. To the point that she would just leave the stuff for me to do instead because she said it “didnt make sence for us to do it twice”. I was doing my full job, half of hers, and lots of favors for everyone else. Anyways.. eventually I aced my omvic test and wanted to get into sales and finance in a dealership. They werent hiring for sales or finance where i worked and tbh i was getting tired of being shit on by a few co workers who looked at me like their personal assistant. No problem, i dont mind job searching. So i found a new dealershit (not a typo). Before leaving, I was training A to take over the rest of the responsibilities that she previously didnt have to worry about. And then my manager started picking up on all the mistakes A was making. We sorted it out, manager kept a closer eye on the situation, was still upset about me leaving, but it was working out. I spent an extra month part time at the old job training another new girl (B) for them and making sure she knew what she was doing before i left. Kinda screwed myself at the new dealership by doing that as they (rightfully so) wouldnt give me leads to work on until I was completely done with the old place.

Well the new dealershit is well known for their “sink or float” method of handing you the tools and not telling you how to use them. I was warned but was just trying to 'get my feet wet'. No sales leads for the first month, second month spent trying to figure out how the systems worked and trying to get sub prime approvals with no prior experience. Major changes in management and staff. By month three, shit just wasnt workin out there.

Still had lots of friends at the old dealership so i stopped by for a visit. Was told theyre looking for someone to do my old job (B was leaving already). I was job searching so i said id be willing to do it temporarily. Had that gut feeling but i was also in the process of buying a house and a job was on the list of requirements. Still knew i wanted a sales and finance position so wasnt planning to stay long. Day 1 im back and A is right back to her old ways. Stack of shit left for me to do. Im suppossed to be doing a mixed service/reception job this time around meaning A should be answering all incoming calls and cashing out customers. Nope. Whats she doing instead? Online shopping, netflix, literally anything that doesnt include working. Whatever, extra work doesnt scare me so i get to it. I get my old raises back pretty quick as well as a new little pay raise. I get shit done. Customers are happy with me. Blah blah blah. Well A starts really fucking off. Like not leaving notes about things that need to be done, not doing those few things she needed to do. And she was only scheduled till 3 every day. Example – Service ontario closes at 5. Ownership transfers are sent down immediately when we get them at the front desk because they take a while to be processed and then picked up again. Like that was fully her job. One of the few jobs she actually haadd to do.. and she just.. didnt. And guess who got yelled at when the customers showed up and we didnt have the new plates to put on their new car. 3 coworkers gave me shit for it. And I was pissed. Not my job, but still getting in shit for it. So i emailed her basically saying wtf and she responded saying sorry it wont happen again and then it happened again. Like 2 days later. And also she complained to my manager about me sending her the email. Not the first time i sent her something like that, but i guess she didnt like being called out anymore. So now, not only was i expected to do half her job for her, but if she didnt do her few things i was just suppossed to take the verbal whipping for it. No consequences for her. Obviously after that i lost interest in the job real quick. A tried to turn it into a pissing match by complaining about minor things i did (like crumpling up a note she left me from a mega bitch customer who wasnt mine to deal with, service manager was handling it) but i wasnt into the dramatic shit. I only had complaints when she had big screw ups that were creating problems for me. No one wanted to address the issues tho. So i started loosing interest in the job. I started taking my full hour long lunch break which i usually skipped all together. I would sit in my car and job search and house shop. And then all of a sudden management noticed. They noticed i had a shit attitude towards a job i once loved. And i had no problem saying it either. A few of my coworkers told me i should print off A's browser history and leave it on my managers desk. Hind sight, i should have cuz yes i am that petty bitch. But i also just didnt give a shit. I had my desk packed up a month ago by the time they let me go. If they want to keep the girl who watches netflix all day over the one that worked her ass off for them, thats fine. Im not here to tell anyone how to run their business. Buh bye

Service manager was pissed at me and was upset when they made him give me the letter to let me go.

Sales manager was a who i shared my thoughts with to make sure my unhappiness was made known to upper management

Upper management never thought to sit down and discuss any issues even though we worked through tons of shit before this.

Months later A quit anyways.

First job i was ever fired from. And man i never felt more free in my 26 years of life. Know your worth and then add tax. And dont let any dickheads take advantage of you.

Tldr: was yelled at for not doing another girls job for her and then was let go for having a bad attitude about it while she faced no consequences.

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