
Fired for reporting my boss for making me uncomfortable to come to work

So I worked at a company called Artivion in Kennesaw in their analytical chemistry department and my boss called me into her office for a one-on-one meeting. We do this every quarter and I always get great marks. I've never been in disciplinary trouble and all my coworkers say how quickly I pick up on everything. They love how engaged I am and everyone knows I like my job. So my boss starts laying into me about my performance issues immediately. I talk about how I'm the chemist with the most tests under my belt for several months in a row now. It's true. We have 9 chemists in our department and I consistently do 20%+ of all the testing that comes through our lab and I help other departments and do other tests that aren't documented in our system. She eventually calls me stupid, dumb, and illiterate. She goes…

So I worked at a company called Artivion in Kennesaw in their analytical chemistry department and my boss called me into her office for a one-on-one meeting. We do this every quarter and I always get great marks. I've never been in disciplinary trouble and all my coworkers say how quickly I pick up on everything. They love how engaged I am and everyone knows I like my job.

So my boss starts laying into me about my performance issues immediately. I talk about how I'm the chemist with the most tests under my belt for several months in a row now. It's true. We have 9 chemists in our department and I consistently do 20%+ of all the testing that comes through our lab and I help other departments and do other tests that aren't documented in our system.

She eventually calls me stupid, dumb, and illiterate. She goes on to say those aren't just her words but the words of all my coworkers. I was shocked and left the meeting once it ended. I confronted all of my coworkers one by one over the course of a few days. All of them denied talking about me in such a way and were angry with our boss that she would put words in their mouths like that.

One told me to go to HR because of how unacceptable that was. I thought against it because it's just he said she said. Then monday rolls around and my boss says good morning to everyone but me in the lab. It was my last straw

I went to HR and told them about the situation and they said they would open an investigation. They opened an investigation one day and the next I was fired.

Thank you Artivion and my boss Jenny Shi. Thank you head of HR Mike Hildebrandt

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