
Fired for supposed rudeness.

Hi guys, I need advice. Today I was fired for being supposedly rude. It started out a normal day, we came to work and I asked the manager if I’d be in the same spot all day, a simple question because sometimes I’d come back to the front to cashier at the end of the day. She simply said “yup” and I said weeeell shit, in a joking manner in my head because I liked cashiering. I didn’t complain, just walked to the back and did what I was asked. I spoke to the same manager about schedules, explaining I had school and needed to adjust my schedule. She told me I should’ve done it two days ago. I was not there two days ago, I was out for doctors appointments. She told me the schedule had already been made, and I told her I wasn’t going to be able…

Hi guys, I need advice. Today I was fired for being supposedly rude. It started out a normal day, we came to work and I asked the manager if I’d be in the same spot all day, a simple question because sometimes I’d come back to the front to cashier at the end of the day. She simply said “yup” and I said weeeell shit, in a joking manner in my head because I liked cashiering. I didn’t complain, just walked to the back and did what I was asked. I spoke to the same manager about schedules, explaining I had school and needed to adjust my schedule. She told me I should’ve done it two days ago. I was not there two days ago, I was out for doctors appointments. She told me the schedule had already been made, and I told her I wasn’t going to be able to be there during the time I had school. She brought me to the office and told me I was rude to her, to which I said what? Because I genuinely did not think I was being rude. It seemed that she was looking for a reason to fire me by bringing up the well shit instance, as it’s something I had said before. She told me then that I was terminated. No write-up, no explanation further, just “your terminated”. I repeated terminated, as a question because it seemed extreme, and she said, yup your fired. She then told me to clock out and leave. I clocked out and she then asked me to leave the store. I don’t understand this because I was in no way disorderly, didn’t raise my voice, I wasn’t disrespectful or anything. Reddit, what can are my rights here? Is this wrongful, or what next steps should I take? I submitted a complaint with corporate. I am in Louisiana, US.

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