
Fired from my job by text message last month

For reference, am in the US, Texas to be exact. As title said, fired by boss, filed for unemployment immediately which I figured was pretty standard. Go through the whole process, tell the case worker the deal, basically tldr of it all, was injured on the job with a minor knee injury, was put on light duty in a job that requires alot of physical labor. After injury I got super reduced hours, and was being treated pretty bad. Had an emergency come up and called out from work 2 days in a row 1 weekend, didn't explain anything as I figured was my right. Was given 0 hours the next week. Boss texted me on my days off and I didn't respond, again as I figured is my right, we aren't friends, he is my boss. Week passes with no work, then the following week comes by and he…

For reference, am in the US, Texas to be exact. As title said, fired by boss, filed for unemployment immediately which I figured was pretty standard. Go through the whole process, tell the case worker the deal, basically tldr of it all, was injured on the job with a minor knee injury, was put on light duty in a job that requires alot of physical labor. After injury I got super reduced hours, and was being treated pretty bad. Had an emergency come up and called out from work 2 days in a row 1 weekend, didn't explain anything as I figured was my right. Was given 0 hours the next week. Boss texted me on my days off and I didn't respond, again as I figured is my right, we aren't friends, he is my boss. Week passes with no work, then the following week comes by and he texts me out of the blue and says my help is no longer needed. Fast forward to now, just denied for unemployment, Texas is saying I quit my job. What's the point in participating in a system that they weaponize as a form of slavery? If the state is taking their side then anyone who calls out according to Texas is quitting, which means we have 0 economic safety net, and a boss can easily weaponize that. It's horse shit. If anyone has advice on how to deal with the appeals I put through already with the state, I would welcome the advice.

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