
Fired from my job today with 0 prior warnings for standing up for myself

I worked in sales over the phone. Today I was let go regarding a conversation I had with a client last week. The client was giving me attitude from the start of the phone call. After being declined for a loan, they were upset. When I explained to them why, they told me they didn't appreciate my tone/sarcasm. I told them they had been rude so far the entire time they hung up on me. I left a voicemail/text saying I don't appreciate being hung up on, I still think our other option would help them. Lady was furious. Called in multiple times after our conversation demanding to speak with management. One of my team members got the call and informed me she was dialing in. Anyway, today they reviewed and decided to let me go. Even though I've never had any problems or warnings throughout my employment, and I…

I worked in sales over the phone.

Today I was let go regarding a conversation I had with a client last week.

The client was giving me attitude from the start of the phone call. After being declined for a loan, they were upset. When I explained to them why, they told me they didn't appreciate my tone/sarcasm. I told them they had been rude so far the entire time they hung up on me.

I left a voicemail/text saying I don't appreciate being hung up on, I still think our other option would help them.

Lady was furious. Called in multiple times after our conversation demanding to speak with management. One of my team members got the call and informed me she was dialing in.

Anyway, today they reviewed and decided to let me go. Even though I've never had any problems or warnings throughout my employment, and I was a top producer on my team.

Granted, looking at this from my perspective, I'm biased towards myself. Maybe I really was an asshole. But I don't think it's right to let people walk over you, and if something happens like that I have no problem speaking up for myself.

I also want to add, that I recently started a medication that has made me extremely irritable (as well as a number of other crappy side effects). My employer was aware of this, as I had informed my team and my bosses. Didn't give me any slack however with my bosses.

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