
Fired less than a month after signing my first lease for my first apartment at 18.

Hey everyone this is my first post to this sub and I just needed to vent about this while I take a brief break from mass-applying to new jobs. I work (or used to work) at walmart. During my less than 8 months at the store, I was trained as and used as a manager frequently (for associate pay), while being led on that I was going to be promoted. When a position opened up, my manager held interviews for associates to be promoted to the position, but i was never informed of these interviews or even that the position had become available. By the time I became aware, interviews were over and the position was filled. After this, I decided I no longer wanted to be a manager amongst other reasons. Still I would come into work and be handed keys and told “the opening manager called out and…

Hey everyone this is my first post to this sub and I just needed to vent about this while I take a brief break from mass-applying to new jobs. I work (or used to work) at walmart. During my less than 8 months at the store, I was trained as and used as a manager frequently (for associate pay), while being led on that I was going to be promoted. When a position opened up, my manager held interviews for associates to be promoted to the position, but i was never informed of these interviews or even that the position had become available. By the time I became aware, interviews were over and the position was filled. After this, I decided I no longer wanted to be a manager amongst other reasons. Still I would come into work and be handed keys and told “the opening manager called out and we need you to cover”. (yes, i told them i didn’t want to be a manager anymore and no i didn’t refuse because i was 18 and spineless and scared of refusing authority/losing my job). So i covered as a manager over and over and over again. Same pay, except as a “manager” i got to be told “fuck off”, “go fuck yourself”, etc and just having to take it whilst managing a team of 30 associates’ breaks and lunches, getting rounds of change, making tills, and a shit ton more. i was discriminated against on the basis of my sexuality by both a manager and an associate, not to mention the customers sexually harassing me; i was told by a high ranking member of management to just “lie” on the health screening we have to pass to come into work (yes, lie about my health status during a pandemic!), and much much more during my 8 month career. Well I got the news a couple days ago. I walked in and my manager was bragging to another manager about how he spends an outrageous amount of money on designer clothes, one specific article of clothing being a jacket that cost more than my rent (which he knew I had just signed a lease for). He finished his boasting rant and then informed me they would be letting me go as a result of my poor attendance (walmart has a bullshit attendance policy essentially being if you’re bed ridden with an illness and call out 5 days to recover, you get terminated. or at least that was my case. they don’t give a fuck if you physically cannot move because you have 101° fever, chills, excessively sweating, etc.)
Anyway, i’m writing this on my last day at work and i’m actively considering just walking out mid shift cause what are they gonna do, fire me? i’m already gone bitch. fuck walmart and jonathon if you’re seeing this fuck you too you’re a dick and i hope you become bed ridden with an illness and get fired for being out.

TLDR: I signed a lease for my first apartment and was fired less than a month afterwards.

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