
Fired on day 2: Thanks Recruiter

Just got hired at this job whose interview and offer were the last. I rejected the first 4 offers just for this job. My new job just terminated my employment 2 hours ago. No questions asked nor was my side of story asked. See, I had a month trip booked in January for May. As soon as I got the offer letter on March 21st, 40 minutes later, I sent an email about this trip to my recruiter. He was the one whose contact information I had. Apparently, he did not tell my employer.  So yesterday, my first day, I mention it to my new Boss and he says we will talk today afternoon. Today afternoon, I'm on conference with HR and him and they just straight up told me I'm fired because of the trip. They went ahead and said that the recruiter claims to have verbally told me…

Just got hired at this job whose interview and offer were the last. I rejected the first 4 offers just for this job.

My new job just terminated my employment 2 hours ago. No questions asked nor was my side of story asked. See, I had a month trip booked in January for May. As soon as I got the offer letter on March 21st, 40 minutes later, I sent an email about this trip to my recruiter. He was the one whose contact information I had. Apparently, he did not tell my employer. 

So yesterday, my first day, I mention it to my new Boss and he says we will talk today afternoon. Today afternoon, I'm on conference with HR and him and they just straight up told me I'm fired because of the trip. They went ahead and said that the recruiter claims to have verbally told me to inform the company. First of all, he did not. I forwarded all my call log and text between recruiter and I to new job. The last recruiter called me was Monday April 4. He just asked me if I'm ready to work. Before that, he last called me at 11am on March 21st. The offer letter came at 2pm 21st March, I signed and sent my itinerary in the same email 40 mins later. He apparently only forwarded the offer letter. 

So, I tried to reason out with company but they were like NO. How's this my fault? My recruiter, who normally responds immediately to texts is now not responding. He knows he messed me up but since he recruits for the company, saved his ass by lying that he verbally told me. As I mentioned that earlier that there is no call log to sustain this, additionally, we live in different states. So, it's not like he verbally told me this in his office.

After listening to me, job could have even said, “Ooo I guess there was a drop in communication. If you agree to let your trip go, we will let this slide.” Nope, they did not. They just believed my recruiter even after I sent them the whole email chain that we had as well as the text and call logs to prove he never texted me nor called me afterwards as he claimed. 

And ladies and gentlemen, that is how I lost a 6 figure salary job in a record 1.5 days. I don't know what to do. I can't go back to the other 4 offers as I rejected all 3 weeks ago.

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