
Fired over a panic attack at work

This happened a while ago, several months. I finally got my first job just months after I turned old enough to work. I was so excited to finally make my own money. About two weeks in, I was having a bad day and went to the back and cried. My coworkers called the manager, and said I could go home. The next day, I showed up with my doctor's note (I had to go to the hospital) and she just fired me because I wouldn't be at my shift later that day. And that was legal because I was on “probation” (90 day period where you can be fired for basically any reason. all new employees were on probation their first 90 days.). It fucking hate I got fired because of one bad day. My brother (very capitalist) was like “they don't want someone that has to leave in the…

This happened a while ago, several months. I finally got my first job just months after I turned old enough to work. I was so excited to finally make my own money. About two weeks in, I was having a bad day and went to the back and cried. My coworkers called the manager, and said I could go home. The next day, I showed up with my doctor's note (I had to go to the hospital) and she just fired me because I wouldn't be at my shift later that day. And that was legal because I was on “probation” (90 day period where you can be fired for basically any reason. all new employees were on probation their first 90 days.). It fucking hate I got fired because of one bad day. My brother (very capitalist) was like “they don't want someone that has to leave in the middle of their shift” like this was a common thing I did while I worked there. There are an array of reasons that someone would have to leave in the middle of a shift, and none of those reasons are reasons to fire someone. That place was just kinda sketchy for so many reasons. My first day, my coworkers left me in the front by myself so they could vape in the back. Luckily, the only person that came in was someone picking up an online order, but anyone else comes in with something I need help with? guess i'm fucked. another day, me (a minor) and my coworker (also a minor) closed the store by ourselves. While this is legal, it's not safe, especially in the area we are in. last story, it's closing time, but I'm not a closer, so I'm just waiting to get picked up. I was helping out my coworker as much as I could, but when I left, she had to close all by herself. she was very small, my same height (I'm under 5'4″) but much skinnier. If that store got robbed, she's fucked. and closing is a lot of work, especially for one person. that whole place was fucked and I'm glad I don't work there anymore.

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