
Fired Two Days Before Bonus Is Due.

I got this job thru a recruiter in September. Salaried position for 40h/w with a 7% annual bonus. In the first 90 days the following happened: The job was high stress and I communicated to recruiter I wasnt feeling it, about a month in. they pushed me to complete the 90 days, so that they could get paid. I stuck it out, but during this time, recruiter made zero attempts to find me other work. December rolls around, I've been doing as good as I can given a horrible supervisor who couldnt train for shit, even though hes been there 10 years. (Brought this up in a noce way to my boss a few times). Performance review comes in and theyd like to see improvement….ok. Bonus will be held until 6 month marker. In the next 90 days, the following happened: ditched the recruiter and just sucked it up and…

I got this job thru a recruiter in September. Salaried position for 40h/w with a 7% annual bonus. In the first 90 days the following happened:

  • The job was high stress and I communicated to recruiter I wasnt feeling it, about a month in.
  • they pushed me to complete the 90 days, so that they could get paid.
  • I stuck it out, but during this time, recruiter made zero attempts to find me other work.
  • December rolls around, I've been doing as good as I can given a horrible supervisor who couldnt train for shit, even though hes been there 10 years. (Brought this up in a noce way to my boss a few times). Performance review comes in and theyd like to see improvement….ok. Bonus will be held until 6 month marker.

In the next 90 days, the following happened:

  • ditched the recruiter and just sucked it up and tried my hardest.
  • improved my work across the board, and worked 45h/w to appease boss who suggested I should do more than 8 hours to “really get a grasp of things” (its accounting. I finished my work in less than 4 hrs everyday).
  • whole team switches to wfh from dec – mar. (I had over 1 year experience with wfh from a previous job, and this position was already hybrid, so I had already established I can wfh without issue).
  • march 16, I send my boss an email requesting to wfh permanently and to inquire about my bonus that is due because no one had brought it up since december.
  • march 17, I'm fired for “unsatisfactory work” despite no one saying anything to me about poor work for three full months, even though I constantly asked my supervisors if I was doing well.

Now, I applied for unemployment already, but is there anything else I can do here? Its suspicious to me that they would fire me in such a blindsided manner, 2 days before my bonus of $4200 is due to me, which now they claim they dont have to pay out. I'm mostly mad bc these people were so kind to my face but just stabbed me in the back and there was no way I could prepare for this. Everything was going well according to them, since no one ever said I was doing a bad job, so how am I just suddenly fired?

I already assume theres nothing further I can do, but wanted to check here just in case.

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