
Fired with no warning /:

I just got back from a week and a half off due to having Covid, my coworker and I were wondering why there was 3 of us in our department despite not having anything to do. My manager had me sit in the floral cooler with a spray bottle of cleaner and paper towels to wipe down the inside walls for about 3 hours before pulling me into the office and firing me. When I asked why, they said “attitude and performance” and when I said “what does that mean” she said “well there’s one example” and didn’t continue. I should’ve asked more questions but I didn’t want to seem like I was putting up a fight. My family thinks I should go to HR because I had absolutely no warning and it was my first day back from having Covid. My department was desperate for employees, even though i…

I just got back from a week and a half off due to having Covid, my coworker and I were wondering why there was 3 of us in our department despite not having anything to do. My manager had me sit in the floral cooler with a spray bottle of cleaner and paper towels to wipe down the inside walls for about 3 hours before pulling me into the office and firing me. When I asked why, they said “attitude and performance” and when I said “what does that mean” she said “well there’s one example” and didn’t continue. I should’ve asked more questions but I didn’t want to seem like I was putting up a fight.
My family thinks I should go to HR because I had absolutely no warning and it was my first day back from having Covid.
My department was desperate for employees, even though i regularly have nothing to do. I reorganized all the drawers and cleaned them all and even asked other departments if they needed help because we had nothing to do. I was even told to ask other departments if I had nothing. So I don’t understand the “performance” issues.
The only time I can think of having attitude is when I was not having a good day and my upper manager wouldn’t leave me alone after saying “no I don’t want to talk about it” at least 5 times so I said it one last time but sternly to hopefully get the point across.
Those are the only things I can think of, so it really makes me wonder.

(Sorry if this is poorly written I’m really bad at explaining things and it’s lagging a lot as I’m typing)

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