
Fired without notice from Chipotle, then worked shifts, still no rehire and its been a month

Sorry for bad format i’m on mobile! I worked at Chipotle for about 7/8 months, and have never had a single no call no show. Eventually I got covid and let a manager know through text I wouldn’t be there that Sunday I was scheduled because I had covid, and she acknowledged it and I then spoke to one of the nurse people. I don’t know if other places do it too, but if you’re sick you must speak with said nurse person over text and they basically confirm your symptoms and let you know when you can return. Well I did that, soonest I can return was that Sunday unless I still had symptoms so I decide not to go because I already let them know I wouldn’t be there, and I was still testing positive. Not sure how many days later, but I was checking my email and…

Sorry for bad format i’m on mobile!

I worked at Chipotle for about 7/8 months, and have never had a single no call no show. Eventually I got covid and let a manager know through text I wouldn’t be there that Sunday I was scheduled because I had covid, and she acknowledged it and I then spoke to one of the nurse people. I don’t know if other places do it too, but if you’re sick you must speak with said nurse person over text and they basically confirm your symptoms and let you know when you can return. Well I did that, soonest I can return was that Sunday unless I still had symptoms so I decide not to go because I already let them know I wouldn’t be there, and I was still testing positive.

Not sure how many days later, but I was checking my email and it said I was terminated. Text GM asking why I was fired without notice, and they said they were told someone had already spoken to me about it (no one had) and apologized & said they can “easily reinstate me” back into the system.

We schedule a day for me to come in with my documents for them to be rescanned, 8 mins before 4 & i’m already in the parking lot and the GM messages me that compliance didn’t reactivate my account, and to try for another day because hopefully they’ll have pushed it through by then (this was June 7). Along with this i’m scheduled for that next Sunday and end up working 2 shifts without having been able to clock in as I still wasn’t rehired. June 16 I went in for that second shift with my documents but we were busy throughout the day and tired by the end of the shift so I said I can come in another day. I don’t remember the date but I come in with my documents and it turns out I still haven’t been approved, but they’ll let me know so I don’t have to keep coming in. July 7 I ask if theres any update and they are still waiting on the boss’s boss approval. We also have had a change in GMs since then so it’s not like I can ask the old one for help with this.

I still haven’t been contacted and I worked 2 shifts without having been rehired and I believe they owe me bonus money as I had a friend use me as a reference for getting hired. I just turned 18 this year so it’s not like I had the knowledge and experience to not work those shifts until I was rehired. Once I get my license i’m just gonna show up more often and as soon as i’m rehired and get paid i’m putting my two weeks in. I’m just unsure if the whole firing deal will appear when searching/getting hired for future jobs. And if theres anything else I can do about it.

edit: by nurse person i meant ssr

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