
First day at work already got the shaft

Today was my first day, everything job wise was chill to be fair not too crazy and I couldn’t complain for the expected position (I’m a salesperson) but the dude who hired me (not sure his true position? Owner? Or gm etc) told me I wasn’t fully in the system so I had to be manually clocked in and out, later that day he shows me my schedule today my first day suppose to run 9-4 cool. Well 4 rolls around I expect someone to come give me the ins and outs of clock out procedure and what has to be done before I can leave. This mofo is gone lmao. So I stay (regretfully lol) wait another hour and the next shift comes in they see I’m still there and go get food and shit since “I can cover” keep in mind this is my first day. 6 o’clock…

Today was my first day, everything job wise was chill to be fair not too crazy and I couldn’t complain for the expected position (I’m a salesperson) but the dude who hired me (not sure his true position? Owner? Or gm etc) told me I wasn’t fully in the system so I had to be manually clocked in and out, later that day he shows me my schedule today my first day suppose to run 9-4 cool. Well 4 rolls around I expect someone to come give me the ins and outs of clock out procedure and what has to be done before I can leave. This mofo is gone lmao. So I stay (regretfully lol) wait another hour and the next shift comes in they see I’m still there and go get food and shit since “I can cover” keep in mind this is my first day. 6 o’clock rolls around and all the employees giving me the dirt on the boss and the job telling me even if I worked more he’d roll the time back and refuse to pay me for it or bitch once that convo ended I covered the rest of the customers to the best of my ability and told them I’m out. It’s one thing to hire a new guy and have him stay a little extra if it gets busy I get that but for me to be there 2 extra hours as a part timer and still not get an official clock out or a I’m gonna pay you on my first day is off putting. Wouldn’t him adjusting he clock out be wage theft? I apologize for the length and I still kept it brief lol. End rant.

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