
first day back to work after 4 weeks off and I hate it already

honestly, I like to work. I like the industry I‘m in. but I‘m sick of being exploited by my employer, being sent to do the shitty jobs because how dare I taking a while off. I‘m one of their most reliable employees, still I get minimum wage, have to self-insure myself even though in my country it‘s mandatory for employers to insure their employees. but they found a loophole. also, in my industry the jobs you do are passion jobs. we do this work because we‘re crazy and passionate enough. work times suck, burn out is a big issue. I‘m torn between staying in an industry I like that treats me like shit, or doing some job I might hate but at least I have a steady income, insurance, annual leave and so on. I just wish I had learned some trade/craft instead of going to school and chasing dreams…

honestly, I like to work. I like the industry I‘m in. but I‘m sick of being exploited by my employer, being sent to do the shitty jobs because how dare I taking a while off. I‘m one of their most reliable employees, still I get minimum wage, have to self-insure myself even though in my country it‘s mandatory for employers to insure their employees. but they found a loophole.

also, in my industry the jobs you do are passion jobs. we do this work because we‘re crazy and passionate enough. work times suck, burn out is a big issue. I‘m torn between staying in an industry I like that treats me like shit, or doing some job I might hate but at least I have a steady income, insurance, annual leave and so on.

I just wish I had learned some trade/craft instead of going to school and chasing dreams that turned out to be boarderline nightmares at times.

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