
First job and things feel odd

Hello everyone, I just started my first “real” job and I have some questions. I was hired at a position and was told what my tasks would be. Without getting into too much details since I signed a NDA, I do office type stuff with clients. When I joined I had one coworker and a manager. Now my coworker is gone and things have been changing. My manager is asking new things from me, things not even my coworker was doing. Most of those things are tasks they are supposed to do (I know because they told me), and because we dont have many clients at the moment, they thinks I should “keep busy”. When I was hired, I was told we will have period with less work but it would balance the period where we have A LOT, which we do. So them trying to give me their tasks…

Hello everyone,

I just started my first “real” job and I have some questions. I was hired at a position and was told what my tasks would be. Without getting into too much details since I signed a NDA, I do office type stuff with clients.

When I joined I had one coworker and a manager. Now my coworker is gone and things have been changing. My manager is asking new things from me, things not even my coworker was doing. Most of those things are tasks they are supposed to do (I know because they told me), and because we dont have many clients at the moment, they thinks I should “keep busy”. When I was hired, I was told we will have period with less work but it would balance the period where we have A LOT, which we do. So them trying to give me their tasks to do now is a little upsetting. Im sure no one here would want to work more for the same pay.

They are also very controlling, calling me over 10 times a day (I work from home) which they didnt do before when my other coworker was working. This is constant pressure and stress, Im doing what I was hired to do and the extra stuff they give me but I sometimes have time where I have “nothing” to do so I feel constantly watched.

Lately, since they added more work on me, I have been leaving on time (before I would have to stay late or skip breaks because something came up or because they decided to call me 2min before the end of my day). I am feeling bad about it, like I can tell they do not like that but I dont feel like letting them take more advantage of my time…

Not gonna lie just all that has been pretty upsetting. But the worst was few days ago, when I was told by my manager, on the same day, that I couldnt take any PTO because without me the team wont be able to function and I should think about the team… and that I should be happy for all the extra work because they have to do that to justify paying for my position.

I already had to “fight” a little, because they wanted me to have my computer and phone on all the time just in case someone would need me, which I said I wouldnt do.

My question is, is this normal stuff? Is any position like this? Should I do something about it? (beside quitting, which I am considering on some day because the pressure is a lot). All of this feels not normal to me but maybe it is and I just need to get over it… thanks

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