
First Q3 meeting… why am I here?

First of all I am bottom of the food chain. I work for a tech company and I am one of their new programmers. This is all about sales and hitting numbers. Also there were a bunch of raffles and I didn’t see one programmers name on that wheel. I mean aren’t we the life blood to this company? The ones delivering the product that you sell? Like wtf we are the ones working our tails off and yet all the other people get the appreciation. All the managers, all the heads… not the real life blood… I love coding but I hate corporate America…. The code monkeys want free stuff too! And shoutouts!

First of all I am bottom of the food
chain. I work for a tech company and I am one of their new programmers. This is all about sales and hitting numbers. Also there were a bunch of raffles and I didn’t see one programmers name on that wheel. I mean aren’t we the life blood to this company? The ones delivering the product that you sell? Like wtf we are the ones working our tails off and yet all the other people get the appreciation. All the managers, all the heads… not the real life blood… I love coding but I hate corporate America…. The code monkeys want free stuff too! And shoutouts!

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