
first time covid and harassed by HR

I got covid for the first time last week and was surprised and thankful for the “covid pay”. Was told it's for up to 5 days, okay cool I'll take what I can get. Get a call from HR letting me know 5 days it up and I need to return to work. Lol with this fever? Played phone tag for an hour just for her to tell me that I can continue to get the pay as long as I have symptoms, but she's gunna call me every day to make sure I'm still sick. Also I should contact my Dr about covid drugs, also I shouldn't take anything cause how will I know I'm better if meds just make me feel better? Here's to getting harassed in order to get sick pay. Oh and I clean Dr offices after hours through a cleaning company. I hate it here.

I got covid for the first time last week and was surprised and thankful for the “covid pay”. Was told it's for up to 5 days, okay cool I'll take what I can get. Get a call from HR letting me know 5 days it up and I need to return to work. Lol with this fever? Played phone tag for an hour just for her to tell me that I can continue to get the pay as long as I have symptoms, but she's gunna call me every day to make sure I'm still sick. Also I should contact my Dr about covid drugs, also I shouldn't take anything cause how will I know I'm better if meds just make me feel better? Here's to getting harassed in order to get sick pay. Oh and I clean Dr offices after hours through a cleaning company. I hate it here.

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