
First Time Quitter

Hey all, I'm a twenty year veteran I'm the service industry. I've done everything from dishwashing and bartending to line cook, managing and running my own catering company. I moved to Portland, Oregon recently and took a job at a crappy brunch place. I took it because I wasn't getting any job offers and it stumped me. Like how is it possible that I had to take this and not any of the awesome places wanted me? Anyway, I am crazy efficient. What takes a normal person 40 hour weeks I can do in 26. In addition, I was doing specials and they wanted me to be their sous chef. Sounds great? No. It quickly became apparent that this place was horribly managed, staffed atrocious, and had the laziest crew. Which sucks as I'd come in bust my ass, deep clean and do others work. Anyway, yesterday I put my…

Hey all,

I'm a twenty year veteran I'm the service industry. I've done everything from dishwashing and bartending to line cook, managing and running my own catering company.

I moved to Portland, Oregon recently and took a job at a crappy brunch place. I took it because I wasn't getting any job offers and it stumped me. Like how is it possible that I had to take this and not any of the awesome places wanted me?

Anyway, I am crazy efficient. What takes a normal person 40 hour weeks I can do in 26. In addition, I was doing specials and they wanted me to be their sous chef. Sounds great?

No. It quickly became apparent that this place was horribly managed, staffed atrocious, and had the laziest crew. Which sucks as I'd come in bust my ass, deep clean and do others work.

Anyway, yesterday I put my two weeks notice in. I felt great. I could tough it out for two more.

Then I got my direct deposit at midnight. $680 for two weeks. I was getting fucked because of my efficiency and actually being a chef.

So, I came in today and asked for a bonus due to this. They refused. So I poured myself a shot and walked out.

I feel great about this. I was taken advantage of and refused to allow it to continue.

On a plus note, I have three interviews that I've received in a course of an hour at three of the top restaurants in the city. Can't wait for some amazing pay, benefits and tips.

I don't mind the grind but it best be worth my time. Keep the faith!

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