
First time Reddit user here, don’t know where to turn but I want to quit dog grooming.

I have worked with animals since I was 16(currently 25). I’ve done a little of everything. Start out at a local animal hospital working in kennel, left that because truth be told it HORRIBLY depressing. Had a few serving jobs until i stumble upon dog rehabilitation and swim therapy. I LOVED that job! It was extremely rewarding to help dog(the occasional cat) learn to walk again or gain strength back. However the company I was working for was not willing give me any raises and capped me out at $14/h. I the. Started dog grooming and I love this job as well but lately I’ve been my body has been aching more than normal and if I have one more matted “doodle” on my table, i may just fall apart. So i have recently begun to wonder what else is there for me to do? I don’t have a degree…

I have worked with animals since I was 16(currently 25). I’ve done a little of everything. Start out at a local animal hospital working in kennel, left that because truth be told it HORRIBLY depressing. Had a few serving jobs until i stumble upon dog rehabilitation and swim therapy. I LOVED that job! It was extremely rewarding to help dog(the occasional cat) learn to walk again or gain strength back. However the company I was working for was not willing give me any raises and capped me out at $14/h. I the. Started dog grooming and I love this job as well but lately I’ve been my body has been aching more than normal and if I have one more matted “doodle” on my table, i may just fall apart. So i have recently begun to wonder what else is there for me to do? I don’t have a degree of any kind. The only experience I have is with animals and serving. I’m 25 and I just don’t know what my next step is. So i guess I’m asking if the people of Reddit have any suggestions as to what i can do next, that i can make a “livable wage” doing. Currently sobbing typing this out because i feel like I’m just failing at life.

A sad dog groomer

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