
(FL, full time) Employer is requiring almost 30 additional hours this weekend. Is this legal?

For context, I work at a inbound call center that sells Medicare plans for seniors. This weekend is AEP (National open enrollment), the busiest time of the year in the industry. We receive a base salary of $500 per week, as well as commission bonuses. Saturday and Sunday I’ll be working from 9AM-12AM, a little under thirty hours when accounting for lunch and dinner breaks. Admittedly, our commission bonus is pretty good, and increases in number the more you sell. But I have a major issue with being required to work these hours with no reflection on my base pay OR overtime. So, is this legal? I’m not well-versed in labor laws and don’t know if there are exceptions for insurance agents or employees who receive commission bonuses.

For context, I work at a inbound call center that sells Medicare plans for seniors. This weekend is AEP (National open enrollment), the busiest time of the year in the industry. We receive a base salary of $500 per week, as well as commission bonuses. Saturday and Sunday I’ll be working from 9AM-12AM, a little under thirty hours when accounting for lunch and dinner breaks.

Admittedly, our commission bonus is pretty good, and increases in number the more you sell. But I have a major issue with being required to work these hours with no reflection on my base pay OR overtime. So, is this legal? I’m not well-versed in labor laws and don’t know if there are exceptions for insurance agents or employees who receive commission bonuses.

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