
Flight Attendant Salary as a New Hire

78×28.88= $27,031.68 (Salary) 27,031.68×.80= $21,625.344 ( Salary after tax) 21,625.344-3840= $17,785.344 (cellphone and tv) 17,785.344-3420= $14,365.344 (health insurance) 14,365.344-5200= $9,165.344 (groceries wife and I) 9,165.344-600= $8,565.344 (union fees) 8,565.344-5,748= $2,817.344 (train fare for work) 2,817.344-1200= $1,617.344 (incidentals- low end) 1,617.344÷12=$134.7786666667 leftover per month Thats $31.1027692308/week $4.4310794521/day … to be shared between my wife and I in New York DOES NOT INCLUDE *** (Some I Can't Put Towards) • Buying food at hotels or ubereats when on trips • Copays for doctor visits, hospital, or medicine • Debt that isn't being paid for • Credit repair services • Building up a savings account • Uniform costs and dry cleaning • Extra charges on phone bill when overseas • Uber fare if train isn't an option • Haircuts to maintain “professional appearance” • Utilities living at family's house but cant pay • Trying to save for a car and home/apartment • New…

78×28.88= $27,031.68 (Salary)

27,031.68×.80= $21,625.344 ( Salary after tax)

21,625.344-3840= $17,785.344 (cellphone and tv)

17,785.344-3420= $14,365.344 (health insurance)

14,365.344-5200= $9,165.344 (groceries wife and I)

9,165.344-600= $8,565.344 (union fees)

8,565.344-5,748= $2,817.344 (train fare for work)

2,817.344-1200= $1,617.344 (incidentals- low end)

1,617.344÷12=$134.7786666667 leftover per month

Thats $31.1027692308/week

$4.4310794521/day …
to be shared between my wife and I in New York

DOES NOT INCLUDE *** (Some I Can't Put Towards)
• Buying food at hotels or ubereats when on trips
• Copays for doctor visits, hospital, or medicine
• Debt that isn't being paid for
• Credit repair services
• Building up a savings account
• Uniform costs and dry cleaning
• Extra charges on phone bill when overseas
• Uber fare if train isn't an option
• Haircuts to maintain “professional appearance”
• Utilities living at family's house but cant pay
• Trying to save for a car and home/apartment
• New clothes/shoes/sneakers
•My Wife's business overhead fees

And just incase you were wondering… Overtime is rarely available, or rather… it wouldn't net me much since there's turnaround trips or trips that wouldn't allow me to take since I'm not allowed to work more than 6 days straight.

Also… most trips are trips that would have me travel back home after which takes a minimum of 2 and a half hours one way. The longest it took me to get home was FOUR HOURS AND THIRTEEN MINUTES… leaving me 3 hours of sleep before I ended up waking up to turn back around.

When I worked Overtime, my body gave out once, and the 2nd time I caught covid since my immune system was compromised (crazy thing was in 2020 my father, mother, and wife had covid… I slept next to my wife and didn't catch it, I took care of my parents and didn't catch it… but I was exhausted after not taking care of myself because I couldn't get sleep and caught it easily and really bad).

For anyone who wants to be a flight attendant, make sure you're in it just for the free airfare cause if you're doing it for the money, you won't see that til year 5.

I exhausted my savings due to this job… and lingering covid had me I out for 3 months WITH NO PAY… no worker's comp or disability even though this occurred on my last day of my 3 day trip. They deemed it a NON-OCCUPATIONAL INJURY/ILLNESS.

I put in over 360 applications to other jobs and had 40 something rejections already. The airline industry is a multi billion dollar industry that gives crumbs to their employees.

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