
FMLA issues at work

I’m on intermittent FMLA and my employer requires me to give at least two hours notice for leave. It’s my understanding that I can take as little as an hour as needed. I had a flare up today and was trying to make an appointment and I gave them 2.5 hrs notice to leave but my manager asked me when I made the appointment. It’s my understanding from my paperwork that my follow up treatments are approved by FMLA and that I don’t have a specific appointment schedule. It all depends on availability. My supervisor also approved a different incident where I left early for an appointment. My appts include IV infusions. I had no issues prior. My manager and I got into a disagreement over an email and now she’s questioning me and my appointments. Would this count as FMLA interference?

I’m on intermittent FMLA and my employer requires me to give at least two hours notice for leave. It’s my understanding that I can take as little as an hour as needed. I had a flare up today and was trying to make an appointment and I gave them 2.5 hrs notice to leave but my manager asked me when I made the appointment. It’s my understanding from my paperwork that my follow up treatments are approved by FMLA and that I don’t have a specific appointment schedule. It all depends on availability. My supervisor also approved a different incident where I left early for an appointment. My appts include IV infusions. I had no issues prior. My manager and I got into a disagreement over an email and now she’s questioning me and my appointments. Would this count as FMLA interference?

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