
Follow-up: store manager has to “see what HR says” about my work-related ER visit

So, I posted the other day about having to go to the ER from work because of a stress-induced AFib and to follow up on that, I went in today to see the store manager about making sure to have my ER visit covered by worker's comp, and explain to him that I still need to see a cardiologist due to my now-diagnosed atrial flutter, etc. The guy got so childishly flabbergasted almost immediately. He asked me if I injured myself at work and I repeated to him that I had a dangerously high heart-rate (205 bpm that sustained for longer than 5 minutes and I didn't even convert until much later while already admitted in the emergency room) and it happened while at work and I had several witnesses to that (in fact, I'm technically still clocked in because I left that quickly). Along with the fact that the…

So, I posted the other day about having to go to the ER from work because of a stress-induced AFib and to follow up on that, I went in today to see the store manager about making sure to have my ER visit covered by worker's comp, and explain to him that I still need to see a cardiologist due to my now-diagnosed atrial flutter, etc.

The guy got so childishly flabbergasted almost immediately.

He asked me if I injured myself at work and I repeated to him that I had a dangerously high heart-rate (205 bpm that sustained for longer than 5 minutes and I didn't even convert until much later while already admitted in the emergency room) and it happened while at work and I had several witnesses to that (in fact, I'm technically still clocked in because I left that quickly). Along with the fact that the emergency room nurses and doctor knew I had come directly from work and knew this was a work-related stress issue. On my discharge sheet it even lists occupational medicine follow-up, etc. along with my diagnosis.

He started to blink really fast, like he was trying to figure out a complicated math problem and got really pissy with me, like what was he supposed to do? And I explained that I wanted to make sure this went through the right channels and since it was work-related that I wouldn't be financially responsible. He huffed and puffed a few times and told me to make copies of the paperwork and that he would get in touch with “his people” and see what the next steps were.

He also said “well, I have high blood pressure” and basically implied that he worked through that without complaining, even though I explained to him again that it's not the same thing.

I already wrote the Union about this behavior and what happened today and I'm going back in tomorrow to see if he's made any progress, if not I'm asking for the HR number directly to handle it myself.

But I'm pissed and also really disconcerted with how he handled the situation and I don't have a lot of faith that this is going to be handled properly…

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