
Following up from yesterday’s Reddit post, I did get in crap for not taking that call and staying late.

Got in crap today, because I refused a call three minutes to when my shift ended. Yesterday I had dinner out planned for 6:30, I was on the late so we close and everyone leaves at 6pm, at three minutes to 6, someone from another department rings up and tried to pass a call to me for a new quote, which take 20 minutes to 45 to do. I said if he gives me the information, I shall call the customer back tomorrow morning, as I am always in early, and I had plans tonight and needed to leave on time, they hung up on me and passed it through to someone else who stayed late. We are not paid overtime so I would have been staying late for nothing, despite us closing at 6. Today I got in trouble for it, I said I had plans and they said…

Got in crap today, because I refused a call three minutes to when my shift ended.

Yesterday I had dinner out planned for 6:30, I was on the late so we close and everyone leaves at 6pm, at three minutes to 6, someone from another department rings up and tried to pass a call to me for a new quote, which take 20 minutes to 45 to do.

I said if he gives me the information, I shall call the customer back tomorrow morning, as I am always in early, and I had plans tonight and needed to leave on time, they hung up on me and passed it through to someone else who stayed late.

We are not paid overtime so I would have been staying late for nothing, despite us closing at 6.

Today I got in trouble for it, I said I had plans and they said we do not care about your dinner plans we expect you to stay late to deal with any calls if it goes past your time.

I said we do not get paid any over time or get time in lu for staying late to my boss, He said it is in my contract that we have to stay to finish dealing with a customer, they also said it shows i do not care about the business or the sales which is not true.

This sucks, So next time I shall just have to cancel my plans and stay late, for something that could be dealt with the next day.

I said next time I would take the call, but let the customer know I shall call them back tomorrow, they said that was unacceptable and I would have to stay late next time…

Sorry for the rant.

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