
For all office workers – do you have a ‘personality hire’ on your team or company?

By 'personality hire' I mean someone who is mediocre at best at their actual job functions but does well in socializing with the right people and being more upbeat and energetic than most. I haven't come across many personality hires until now and I'm genuinely shocked at how much they're able to get away with in terms of quality work and ideas. If you work with someone like this, what are they like and how have they been received by your peers? How do you feel about it?

By 'personality hire' I mean someone who is mediocre at best at their actual job functions but does well in socializing with the right people and being more upbeat and energetic than most. I haven't come across many personality hires until now and I'm genuinely shocked at how much they're able to get away with in terms of quality work and ideas.

If you work with someone like this, what are they like and how have they been received by your peers? How do you feel about it?

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