
For all those who don’t get it.

We’ll never force you to get it. I’ll never coerce you. And I’ll try to use as little hierarchy as possible. What one thing rips you away from your family, friends? Work. Where do you gather a performance evaluation that doesn’t matter? Work. Where do you spend most of your time? Work. On vacation, what do you worry about most? Work. There is no evidence that those who work harder or are smarter are “rewarded” properly. As Ted Kaczynski points out “surrogate activities are easy.” But have a real goal, see how far you get. Intellectual property theft is on the rise, the way we live life here is encouraging people to steal. Competition not cooperation makes people miserable. Working for yourself is more satisfying than any job. Working to pay rent feels outlandish, it feels foreign. No matter the job no matter the pay. People don’t need masters. They…

We’ll never force you to get it.
I’ll never coerce you.

And I’ll try to use as little hierarchy as possible.

What one thing rips you away from your family, friends?

Where do you gather a performance evaluation that doesn’t matter?

Where do you spend most of your time?

On vacation, what do you worry about most?

There is no evidence that those who work harder or are smarter are “rewarded” properly. As Ted Kaczynski points out “surrogate activities are easy.” But have a real goal, see how far you get.

Intellectual property theft is on the rise, the way we live life here is encouraging people to steal. Competition not cooperation makes people miserable.

Working for yourself is more satisfying than any job. Working to pay rent feels outlandish, it feels foreign. No matter the job no matter the pay.

People don’t need masters. They need leaders. There’s a difference. A master rules coercively. A leader advises.

What do jobs seems to offer now?
$15 an hour… hardly enough to do anything but return to work again. Adjusted for inflation minimum wage should be $24 dollars.
But still the people trust politicians to fix it. Good luck.

Where do people feel alienated?

Why do people feel hopeless even in their free time?

What’s the last place you want to be ever?

Sincerely an anarchist.
(PS: To all you Ancaps: I’ll take our shitty government over you any day. Private property must be upheld with violence. And who will print the money you use? Sounds like you still need a state. Infinite growth cannot be obtained in a world with finite resources, and trying to do so only makes people miserable.)

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