
for the first time in my life I quit my job without a 2 weeks notice. it felt great

I consider myself a very patient and compassionate person. This causes a lot of issues for me because it goes too far. Even at the most abusive jobs I've had- even a job where I was physically assaulted- I gave at least one week of notice. Not this time. I've put up with a lot of illegal bullshit from this manager. Most notably she gave us two faulty checks and after they bounced she went psycho on us and accused us of trying to steal by cashing the check and then claiming it didn't work and also getting cash so getting paid twice. Obviously doesn't make sense because we were never told the checks were faulty and it wouldn't be possible for us to achieve this plan even if we did because the checks were….faulty. they wouldn't cash in. Still she went crazy and blamed us Then she paid us…

I consider myself a very patient and compassionate person. This causes a lot of issues for me because it goes too far. Even at the most abusive jobs I've had- even a job where I was physically assaulted- I gave at least one week of notice.

Not this time. I've put up with a lot of illegal bullshit from this manager. Most notably she gave us two faulty checks and after they bounced she went psycho on us and accused us of trying to steal by cashing the check and then claiming it didn't work and also getting cash so getting paid twice. Obviously doesn't make sense because we were never told the checks were faulty and it wouldn't be possible for us to achieve this plan even if we did because the checks were….faulty. they wouldn't cash in. Still she went crazy and blamed us

Then she paid us in cash for 3 weeks

Now it's been 4 days since pay day and we haven't gotten paid yet in any form. All we get are a mountain of vague excuses. Everyone is refusing to come in. I'm supposed to work tomorrow but just texted my manager saying I quit and refuse to work for free.

Now the real battle begins. I have pictures of the work schedule, pictures of eveey day I clocked in and out in the computer in this oay period exept one date, plus other coworkers to confirm my presence and security cameras. So plenty of proof I was at work. Hoping I won't have to enter a legal battle soon

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