
For those hearing others saying stuff about a worker shortage. Ask those, how many applications are they getting and how many are they hiring

So since the virus I've been hearing about the worker shortage every now and then. Many times it has been debunk when people apply to the same companies complaining about not having enough workers, and yet they can't even get an interview or any reply back to an application that matches 100% what is being asked. A while back I learned much of the “worker shortage” is 1 of 4 things. A true shortage in the area. Like people leaving high cost areas, and due to factors like this companies can't find workers. Many times it is lower end jobs where you wouldn't have people moving there to get to anyways. The company lost a lot of workers due to them moving to higher jobs, jobs with less stress, workers going back to school, becoming as stay at home parent, doing something else with their life, etc. And they are…

So since the virus I've been hearing about the worker shortage every now and then. Many times it has been debunk when people apply to the same companies complaining about not having enough workers, and yet they can't even get an interview or any reply back to an application that matches 100% what is being asked.

A while back I learned much of the “worker shortage” is 1 of 4 things.

  1. A true shortage in the area. Like people leaving high cost areas, and due to factors like this companies can't find workers. Many times it is lower end jobs where you wouldn't have people moving there to get to anyways.
  2. The company lost a lot of workers due to them moving to higher jobs, jobs with less stress, workers going back to school, becoming as stay at home parent, doing something else with their life, etc. And they are expecting to refill the spots with the same exact things, and they can't. So in stead of taking what they can and maybe ramping up noobs or maybe going for someone not 100% and working around the flaws. If they lost a 10 year experience worker doing x, y, z. They want the new person to have 10 years in doing x, y, z. So instead of adapting, they won't hire due to not having the 100% perfect match, and then they cry of a worker shortage.
  3. The company treats their workers horrible, maybe underpaying them, views cost of living pay bumps as a pay raise instead of viewing it as something they have to do due to …. cost of living, they steal time, and so on. So no one wants to work for them.
  4. They flat out are lying. This is actually the majority of cases.

So when a company or someone who might know says bs about a worker shortage. Ask them simply this.

How many people are applying to any given jobs your company puts out, and how many people are getting hired?

If there was a true worker shortage, then to be blunt. As long as all legal requirements for the job was there, and the person even with a bit of training can do the job. Then there is no reason in the world to not hire them.

If you have more or same applications that meet the legal requirements for a job vs openings for that job. THEN THERE IS NO WORKER SHORTAGE. At least for that job.

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