
For those who quit a job without another one lined up, when did you hit your breaking point?

I am absolutely miserable in my current position. I am Literally having borderline suicidal thoughts lately. I don’t think I would ever actually do anything because I love my family so much and they have already lost one child, but my manager is making my life a living hell after putting me on a PIP about a week ago. I haven’t ate anything in almost 3 days. I couldn’t even enjoy my weekend all I thought about was work. I haven’t been sleeping. I don’t think she’s going to fire me until my full 90 days are up but I cannot last that long. I’ve been applying to jobs like crazy but with all the recent layoffs in addition to numerous companies being on a hiring freeze I haven’t heard back from very many. I’m considering just quitting as I have about two months rent saved up and just paid…

I am absolutely miserable in my current position. I am Literally having borderline suicidal thoughts lately. I don’t think I would ever actually do anything because I love my family so much and they have already lost one child, but my manager is making my life a living hell after putting me on a PIP about a week ago. I haven’t ate anything in almost 3 days. I couldn’t even enjoy my weekend all I thought about was work. I haven’t been sleeping.

I don’t think she’s going to fire me until my full 90 days are up but I cannot last that long. I’ve been applying to jobs like crazy but with all the recent layoffs in addition to numerous companies being on a hiring freeze I haven’t heard back from very many. I’m considering just quitting as I have about two months rent saved up and just paid my November rent. My next paycheck will cover December. I feel like I’ve reached my breaking point. I don’t want to have to move back in with my parents who are 2000 miles away but I don’t think that will happen if I truly work hard to get another job. I feel like if I can’t even put my full focus into finding another job because I don’t even have time to schedule interviews or prepare due to my current role. I’m going absolutely insane I started crying today in the office and had to go to the bathroom just because my manager was being so verbally abusive to me. Nobody says anything or cares. HR didn’t care. Any advice would be appreciated. My parents will be furious at me but I’m starting to feel like I just need to leave. I know I can make the money through nannying jobs and bartending in the meantime. Just seeing if anybody can relate or has experienced this in the past

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