
For your hard work you get…

My company has been working forced overtime, 50hrs a week. Now they're demanding at minimum 60hrs a week. Only up side is we get paid a whopping Living Wage. They want us to work constantly with no stretch breaks every hour because productivity is the most important thing. So important, we get nagged by supervisors and leaders daily (some HOURLY) for our hourly numbers because most of us can't meet it. I feel my previous job's old work injury coming back. I dealt with this pain and worker's comp before. Guess I can take a second one when it finally hits me. But hey, we're getting FREE COMPANY SHIRTS! Just to remind us we are corporate drones. Better than the free candy we got last time I suppose! Anyone else having aggressively non-EHS compliant working environment?

My company has been working forced overtime, 50hrs a week. Now they're demanding at minimum 60hrs a week. Only up side is we get paid a whopping Living Wage. They want us to work constantly with no stretch breaks every hour because productivity is the most important thing. So important, we get nagged by supervisors and leaders daily (some HOURLY) for our hourly numbers because most of us can't meet it. I feel my previous job's old work injury coming back. I dealt with this pain and worker's comp before. Guess I can take a second one when it finally hits me. But hey, we're getting FREE COMPANY SHIRTS! Just to remind us we are corporate drones.

Better than the free candy we got last time I suppose! Anyone else having aggressively non-EHS compliant working environment?

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