
forced to have lunch in the breakroom with the person who SAd me

I (F) work in a family-owned restaurant. I started when I was 17. As soon as I started, a manager who found me “hot” went into my records to find out when I was turning 18. He told everyone at the restaurant, so I was constantly getting told I was 'almost on-limits.' This manager SAd multiple times, jerked himself off to video footage of me, and spread rumors about us. He got fired shortly after. Fast forward a few months, a prep cook, who was usually super nice to me, was in the breakroom eating breakfast with me. There were several people who began to leave to clock back in. For some reason I felt uncomfortable that we were alone since he was intimidating. Out of anxiety I dropped a piece of my food on my lap. I picked up the food but there was syrup left on my jeans.…

I (F) work in a family-owned restaurant. I started when I was 17. As soon as I started, a manager who found me “hot” went into my records to find out when I was turning 18. He told everyone at the restaurant, so I was constantly getting told I was 'almost on-limits.' This manager SAd multiple times, jerked himself off to video footage of me, and spread rumors about us. He got fired shortly after.

Fast forward a few months, a prep cook, who was usually super nice to me, was in the breakroom eating breakfast with me. There were several people who began to leave to clock back in. For some reason I felt uncomfortable that we were alone since he was intimidating. Out of anxiety I dropped a piece of my food on my lap. I picked up the food but there was syrup left on my jeans. This prep cook grabbed my thigh and with his finger picked up the syrup from my jeans and licked his fingers. I bolted up and went to the restroom to cry.

I told two of my closest co-workers and they suggested I tell management, meaning the owners. I met up with on of the owners (the wife) and broke down crying. She asked what she wanted me to do. I was confused because that is the reason I came to her, I assumed they would have a protocol. Nothing happened. He stayed working the same shifts as me. I had to take my breakfast/lunch break so I clocked out and headed towards the breakroom. There he was. Sitting there. I went back to my manager and asked if I could eat in the back of the restaurant where no one was getting seated (and out of sight from anyone). He said no multiple times. I was forced to tell him what happened in front of several co-workers who side-eyed me because he was their friend. The manager told me that I should not make it an issue.

I went to the owner again and explained I could not eat with someone who grabbed my thigh so inappropriately. She agreed to let me eat in the back of the restaurant. For the rest of my shift, no one spoke to me. The friend I though I had told me it was better to keep my mouth shut because he might get in trouble now. Everyone hated me because I spoke up about 30+ year old creeps who have done this to several of the servers and cashiers. The owners also became annoyed because I had spoken up when my manager initially refused to let me eat in a different part of the restaurant.

After enduring disrespect and harassment from these people, I put in my two weeks. Went in to check my hours, and poof I only had one shift left for Father's Day. I asked why they completely erased me and they said I must have better things to do. I was there for two years. I managed their social medias, kept quiet about injuries to not raise their insurance, had the highest sales and tips out of anyone, etc. Once my shift was approaching its end, I went to the breakroom to say my goodbyes. Everyone was hugging me. The owner came in and pulled me by the arm. I was shocked. She told me to stop causing chaos and to leave. I said I was saying bye to my friends. She said “I know exactly what you're doing, you need to get out now.” I had been through so much at this restaurant and kept my mouth shut. Now I was being kicked out. They didn't even let me cash out my tips. They made me come in another day that none of them were here.

They are a beloved family and restaurant but allow all the young girls to get harassed by their older male staff members. Several girls (almost all the young ones, under 21) quit after that because they also got SAd by THE SAME people. They have worked there for decades and the owners will never do anything.

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