
Forced to work a holiday to be “fair”, I’m one of the only people here and my manager took the day off.

Today is a civic holiday called “August long weekend” in Canada today, it's excatly what it sounds like. You get a long weekend at the start of August to spend with family or do whatever. Long weekends tend to be some of the most universally observed holidays in my experience because they're non-religious. My workplace has NEVER given a clear policy on holidays, typically we get verbal confirmation a couple days beforehand if we have to come in or not, even for major ones like Christmas. It's very frustrating because it's essentially impossible to make plans, so even if you do get the day off its typically wasted. Last Friday, my manager informed us we'd be expected to show up Monday, they claimed they didn't want the other departments to feel as if we where getting preferred treatment. Bummer, but I've gotten used to it by now, and if everyone…

Today is a civic holiday called “August long weekend” in Canada today, it's excatly what it sounds like. You get a long weekend at the start of August to spend with family or do whatever.

Long weekends tend to be some of the most universally observed holidays in my experience because they're non-religious. My workplace has NEVER given a clear policy on holidays, typically we get verbal confirmation a couple days beforehand if we have to come in or not, even for major ones like Christmas. It's very frustrating because it's essentially impossible to make plans, so even if you do get the day off its typically wasted.

Last Friday, my manager informed us we'd be expected to show up Monday, they claimed they didn't want the other departments to feel as if we where getting preferred treatment. Bummer, but I've gotten used to it by now, and if everyone else is here I suppose I'm not too bother.

I drive up this morning and you know what I see? Fucking nobody parking lot is essentially empty. I work at a massive manufacturing plant with several hundred employees and many different departments and It's literally just my team and one other here. My manager didn't show up either, probably enjoying his long weekend in British Colombia or some other bullshit place he can afford to take a weekend trip too because he makes 3 times my salary.

Why the hell am I here? I'm not some total peon, I know our schedule and our demand projections, there is absolutely no reason for us to be here. Even departments far more “essential” to the process than ours have the day off.

I don't fucking get it, I'm tired of the classism and bullshit. Getting shoved around and told what my week is going to be like last minute.

Honestly, I think it's because he's a neurotic mess, constantly freaking out because he's scared we're going to miss demand or fall behind. Meanwhile we've always remained ahead of the curve.

But I guess being in charge means you can quell your mental health issues by inflicting them on someone else.

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