
Forced to work off the clock, 2 weeks later still missing ~$800

Looking for advice here cause I'm really starting to run to the end of my rope here. Context : I work at Raising Canes, during the period described I was working part time. 2 weeks ago I was supposed to be paid for the 50 hours of work I had done in that pay period. I say supposed to because my managers were having me work off the clock and telling me that they were clocking me in manually. I was only okay with this because I had been training to help open a new store, and I was told that because the open was coming up, my clock in card wouldn't work. Fine, cool, whatever. Pay day comes up, I don't get nada, and when I check the app Canes uses for this it says I worked zero hours for that pay period. Obviously that same day I went…

Looking for advice here cause I'm really starting to run to the end of my rope here.

Context : I work at Raising Canes, during the period described I was working part time.

2 weeks ago I was supposed to be paid for the 50 hours of work I had done in that pay period. I say supposed to because my managers were having me work off the clock and telling me that they were clocking me in manually. I was only okay with this because I had been training to help open a new store, and I was told that because the open was coming up, my clock in card wouldn't work. Fine, cool, whatever. Pay day comes up, I don't get nada, and when I check the app Canes uses for this it says I worked zero hours for that pay period.

Obviously that same day I went in to talk to my managers. The general manager was apparently on vacation, so I was given her number, and the working managers number. I was told that I had to wait for the GM to get back (in three days) and she would fix the issue and pay me. Three days go by, I message both the manager and GM, no response (still no response 2 weeks later)

I gave them a couple more days and went in again. (I had already started working at the new store). This time, I was greeted by a different manager and a new operations manager. They told me my old GM had transferred to a third store, and they would have to contact her for some reason. At this point it has been about a week since I hadn't been payed, so I asked them what they could do right now to fix it, because I didn't appreciate being forced to work off the clock and then not getting payed. All they did was take down my phone number, tell me they'd call me, and kick me out.

So I try to be patient again, and then once a couple more days go by I talk to my new general manager at the new store. With me I bring one of my old managers, who had transferred to the new store, to vouch for my story. The new general manager tells me that come Monday he'll message the guy in charge of pay roll who will pay me for my hours worked.

However, I just got my paycheck and lo and behold, I was only payed for the most recent pay period. In the Canes Work app, it still says the previous pay period had zero hours worked and I'm starting to loose hope that they'll pay me.

I'm not sure where to go from here except up the management chain, but I've already gone from manager, to general manager, to operations manager. Any advice? Theyve owed me nearly 800 for 2 weeks now and done nothing. I'm not willing to let it go.

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