
Forcibly reminded why I shouldn’t be a server

Today was truly the day I was reminded why I shouldn’t be in good service for a career and why now is a good time to start looking for a new job. I work for xxxx restaurant in Texas. I won’t name the restaurant because there aren’t serious inherent problems with it, management or anything like that. This is a tale of American entitlement. Now as a server in the “great” state of Texas, people are a totally mixed bag. You’ve got a wide range of people who are near perfect customers, very friendly, relatively easy to take care of, etc. I had such a couple the other day. Then on the opposite end you have major dickheads and assholes who I simply want to stop bringing anything and say “get your food somewhere else, you entitled piece of shit”. This is obviously about these such people. I get into…

Today was truly the day I was reminded why I shouldn’t be in good service for a career and why now is a good time to start looking for a new job.

I work for xxxx restaurant in Texas. I won’t name the restaurant because there aren’t serious inherent problems with it, management or anything like that. This is a tale of American entitlement. Now as a server in the “great” state of Texas, people are a totally mixed bag. You’ve got a wide range of people who are near perfect customers, very friendly, relatively easy to take care of, etc. I had such a couple the other day. Then on the opposite end you have major dickheads and assholes who I simply want to stop bringing anything and say “get your food somewhere else, you entitled piece of shit”. This is obviously about these such people. I get into work a little late because of traffic and right from the beginning I was slammed, running like a chicken with my head cut off to get orders and food out. Most people were pretty understanding since a lot of people are aware of the implications of being understaffed. But this couple didn’t get it. I took a not unreasonable ten minutes to get their drinks and appetizers all out, and everything was fine. Then I get more behind breaking bills, and they start getting annoyed I haven’t gotten them a refill on drinks. Sure whatever, I get it, I’m just doing my best over here. Then they try ordering food to go and deliberately saying “man your service is terrible” and shit like that. On days where I’m off my game and such, I’ll take that no problem. Sure, if it’s actually my fault, it’s my fault, I’ll accept that up front. But when it’s out of my control, I won’t take that lying down. So I didn’t, within reason of not getting fired. I told them “look I’m doing the best I can here, but I’m managing four other tables that are as needy as you if not more so, so if you could just be a little patient, I’ll get y’all taken care of and out of here”. The reality was I wanted to stuff this persons head through the wall they were sitting against but I do like having a job to come to. Eventually, I gave up and asked my manager to help with them because they were simply too douchey for me to deal with. My manager walks over to find they dined and dashed, leaving $40 for around $70 worth of food and drink. Thankfully, as servers, we aren’t required to cover dine and dashes from our money, and my manager did me a huge solid by just deleting stuff off their bill so I at least got a tip at the end of this.

Americans truly are the most entitled assholes on this planet and it never ceases to amaze me how far our depravity reaches. Be nice to your servers. We already get paid $2.13 an hour to serve you, that’s nowhere near enough to cover any bs that comes with that.

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