
Forcing my entire department to wfh, and us to buy things to meet requirements.

So, where I work has just informed everyone that sometime by end of year, they will be closing the building I work at as well as others on Canada, and forcing everyone to wfh (I know, reverse of what others want). Thing for me is, work isn't a long drive away, like 10 minute, so the commute is no issue, I like the routine aswell, as work is at the office and home is my escape. there's also the issue that I don't have any ac at my place. Though I want to, the cost is a bit high right now. I did do wfh back when COVID started, it was a pandemic, and thought to be temp. The setup was crap (put their PC stuff simply infront of my own personal PC/desk) and rushed, and due to tech issues, was sent back to the office 4 months after. Been…

So, where I work has just informed everyone that sometime by end of year, they will be closing the building I work at as well as others on Canada, and forcing everyone to wfh (I know, reverse of what others want).

Thing for me is, work isn't a long drive away, like 10 minute, so the commute is no issue, I like the routine aswell, as work is at the office and home is my escape. there's also the issue that I don't have any ac at my place. Though I want to, the cost is a bit high right now. I did do wfh back when COVID started, it was a pandemic, and thought to be temp. The setup was crap (put their PC stuff simply infront of my own personal PC/desk) and rushed, and due to tech issues, was sent back to the office 4 months after. Been there since, COVID check, masks and all.

So, now I'm expected to have a free room for work (wasn't needed back in pandemic craziness days), get a desk, a chair, a plastic mat for that chair as that room would be carpet, a network switch or an extra ethernet port added to the wall, and now, if I want the days to be bareable in summer, a AC for next year. (That's more of a personal home thing, but still more expenses I'm feeling forced out of rather than on my own terms.) The monitor and PC they provide, along with a max of 200 dollars in compensation. Oh, they can give me a chair (not a desk) but only if I need ergonomic needs … I'm fat, does that count?

If not, I'll be let go. I'm really just distraught over this ultimatum. This was just last Thursday, will talk to manager next week again, also thinking of calling my provinces labor standards rights dept. It probably won't come to anything, but forcing wfh requirements and purchases to an employee (out of their own pocket) feels wrong.

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