
Former employer holding checks after quitting.

A friend of mine recently quit his job to come work with me. The company he was formerly employed with held out the first 3 weeks pay checks. The company has given one pay check so far while deducting training cost, company vehicle damage, and other various fees. He's tried calling payroll to get a verbal statement of what's happening, but payroll just keeps ignoring his calls. I'm hoping someone here could share some advice as where to go from here. Thanks in advance!

A friend of mine recently quit his job to come work with me. The company he was formerly employed with held out the first 3 weeks pay checks. The company has given one pay check so far while deducting training cost, company vehicle damage, and other various fees. He's tried calling payroll to get a verbal statement of what's happening, but payroll just keeps ignoring his calls.

I'm hoping someone here could share some advice as where to go from here. Thanks in advance!

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