
Former Manager Trying to Sabotage Me

Long story short, a few months ago the company I work for made a change by separating me from my department to a new department that was made. My bosses boss (the director) let me know that he plans to promote me and hire a new manager that I'd report to. Fast forward a few months, my old manager was told that I was separating from her team to a new department and they hired a new manager that I now report too. She is WONDERFUL and I am extremely happy. My previous manager was very toxic and about 7 out of 15 of her employees quit in the span of 2 months because of how horrible she treated people. I never had issues, but many people fell victim to her. She would stir the pot and create a lot of conflict and picked on a new person once that…

Long story short, a few months ago the company I work for made a change by separating me from my department to a new department that was made. My bosses boss (the director) let me know that he plans to promote me and hire a new manager that I'd report to.

Fast forward a few months, my old manager was told that I was separating from her team to a new department and they hired a new manager that I now report too. She is WONDERFUL and I am extremely happy.

My previous manager was very toxic and about 7 out of 15 of her employees quit in the span of 2 months because of how horrible she treated people. I never had issues, but many people fell victim to her. She would stir the pot and create a lot of conflict and picked on a new person once that person she previously picked and bullied left. She fired 7 employees in the 2 years she's been there, simply because she didn't like them. She also micro-managed and made you feel like you had no idea how to do your job which was one of the issues I faced. I kept cool, played safe and respected her.

Once I moved departments I was given more responsibility and opportunity to lead my own projects. I was told I had to use her graphic designer to complete my project, only for her to continue to sabotage me and refuse to help and would ask her graphic designers on her team to ignore my requests. After feeling frustrated I expressed my concern to my new manager who couldn't believe what was happening and told the director (my former managers boss).

The director approached my former manager and addressed the situation, only to have my former manager ask my new manager to meet her and she spent the entire meeting complaining about me …calling me a “useless employee” and that when I previously reported to her I always asked her to proof read my work and she had to fix all my mistakes. The truth was, I was on my way to a promotion and when I was on her team I HAD to provide her my work to proof read because she was a micro manager and didn't allow me to take reign of my own work. My current manager was shocked and told me she felt sick to her stomach as the comments she made about me were not professional, toxic and really provided insight on what kind of person she is.

I'm not sure how to deal with this situation, I'd like to ask my new manager to report this to HR as she is spreading false narratives to my new manager to try and ruin my image. Fortunately, HR has my previous evaluation written by my former manager that stated I was a well performing employee. I truly believe she is trying to sabotage my career and my relationship with my new manager and I'm not sure what the appropriate steps would be to take.

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