
Found My Boss Lying About Our Compensation Package On r/antiwork

As the title suggests, it was brought to my attention that my boss is apparently an antiwork advocate. The irony -they’ve posted/contributed here (several times), and in one particular post, completely and utterly embellished what they pay their employees and said employees’ compensation packages. Their post was removed by mod (presumably for breaking ‘no employers’ rule), and was recovered with a 3rd party Reddit archive.

As the title suggests, it was brought to my attention that my boss is apparently an antiwork advocate.

The irony -they’ve posted/contributed here (several times), and in one particular post, completely and utterly embellished what they pay their employees and said employees’ compensation packages.

Their post was removed by mod (presumably for breaking ‘no employers’ rule), and was recovered with a 3rd party Reddit archive.

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