
Found out I was fired from my co workers

I went by my job yesterday to make a purchase and I found out from my co workers that my boss had fired me. I called in two weeks ago because I wasn't feeling well and apparently that was the last straw. I don't make a habit out of calling in unless its serious. These last two years I've gotten Covid three times and each time its harder to bounce back. A few weeks ago I woke up with noticeably swollen ankles that made it extremely difficult to walk. My co workers took note of how red/swollen my ankles were and couldn't believe that I had even come in. My district manager told me that I needed food to feel better. She encouraged me to not leave because we were shortstaffed (people keep quitting) and to try and push through the pain. This became a recurring theme during my time…

I went by my job yesterday to make a purchase and I found out from my co workers that my boss had fired me.

I called in two weeks ago because I wasn't feeling well and apparently that was the last straw. I don't make a habit out of calling in unless its serious. These last two years I've gotten Covid three times and each time its harder to bounce back.

A few weeks ago I woke up with noticeably swollen ankles that made it extremely difficult to walk. My co workers took note of how red/swollen my ankles were and couldn't believe that I had even come in. My district manager told me that I needed food to feel better. She encouraged me to not leave because we were shortstaffed (people keep quitting) and to try and push through the pain. This became a recurring theme during my time at this job. But I pauhed through because my parents always told me that your early twenties/college years are the time to grind.

My boss (who is new to the job) was fed up with me for taking a sick day and removed me from the schedule permanently. I wasn't upset because I had informed her that I don't see myself working for this company long term. I did not put in my two weeks. I intended on working at this place part time until graduation.

The way it works here is that after 3 months on the job your employer must provide you with notice of your dismissal from the job. My notice came from my co workers who were shocked when they saw me come in to make a purchase.

They let me know that my boss had ended my employment for taking a sick day a few weeks ago. Rather than tell me (and put it in writing) she removed me from the schedule and notified my co workers of the change without telling me.

I don't have any notice. I haven't received my vacation pay. I'm assuming she fabricated the dates on my termination letter that I never recieved and let my co workers about my firing.

So that's the story of how I got fired from my job. If I hadn't come in to make a purchase I would have never known.

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