
found out job needs 2 hours of unpaid work per 1 hour of work….

Yesterday was my first day. I have to make my own materials to tutor with. It takes 2 hours to make a PowerPoint to teach a one hour lesson. I only get paid $20CAD for the hour lesson. Ill make less than 7 dollars an hour. My boss said maybe in 2 months I'll get a raise…. No way the raise will be high enough to where it's worth all the unpaid labour right? I'd need my wage to double which I highly doubt. Guess I'm just looking for validation that I should quit before doing another 2 hours of unpaid labour.

Yesterday was my first day. I have to make my own materials to tutor with. It takes 2 hours to make a PowerPoint to teach a one hour lesson. I only get paid $20CAD for the hour lesson. Ill make less than 7 dollars an hour. My boss said maybe in 2 months I'll get a raise…. No way the raise will be high enough to where it's worth all the unpaid labour right? I'd need my wage to double which I highly doubt.

Guess I'm just looking for validation that I should quit before doing another 2 hours of unpaid labour.

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