
Found out my old boss is talking shit.

So, I left my last job because my boss was just horrible. She'd smile to your face but talk shit behind your back. She also didn't trust anyone to do anything so you'd spend most of your day doing nothing. Well, former co-worker told me she is walking around telling people that I was lazy, only cared about money, and most likely will fail at this job. Personally, this irritates me since I talked to her multiple times trying to get some work from her. I told HR about this issue when I left. Kinda want to reach out to the corporate HR and let them know that I don't appreciate her telling others these slanderous words. Good idea or not? Personally, don't think anything would come from it but I'd love to her that she got fired. That place will always fail as long as she's running quality.

So, I left my last job because my boss was just horrible. She'd smile to your face but talk shit behind your back. She also didn't trust anyone to do anything so you'd spend most of your day doing nothing. Well, former co-worker told me she is walking around telling people that I was lazy, only cared about money, and most likely will fail at this job. Personally, this irritates me since I talked to her multiple times trying to get some work from her. I told HR about this issue when I left. Kinda want to reach out to the corporate HR and let them know that I don't appreciate her telling others these slanderous words. Good idea or not? Personally, don't think anything would come from it but I'd love to her that she got fired. That place will always fail as long as she's running quality.

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