
Found out my old company ignored complaints, protected harrasers and retaliated against people while lying to their faces.

Till recently I worked for a pretty big Asian gaming company. I always thought it was a decent place compared to what I'd heard about a lot of companies over the years but I discovered through FB that I was incredibly wrong. I had a coworker that just suddenly left one day and I never knew the reason why. She just stopped talking to everyone and was gone. I finally found out through FB that she'd been sexually harassed while she was working by several people including basically one of the heads of our departments and was actually stalked by a coworker or 2 of them. As far as I can understand she reported one of the people but nothing happened and the person wasn't even fired and was allowed to leave on his own. They protected his reputation the entire time and then went on to try and get…

Till recently I worked for a pretty big Asian gaming company. I always thought it was a decent place compared to what I'd heard about a lot of companies over the years but I discovered through FB that I was incredibly wrong.

I had a coworker that just suddenly left one day and I never knew the reason why. She just stopped talking to everyone and was gone.

I finally found out through FB that she'd been sexually harassed while she was working by several people including basically one of the heads of our departments and was actually stalked by a coworker or 2 of them. As far as I can understand she reported one of the people but nothing happened and the person wasn't even fired and was allowed to leave on his own. They protected his reputation the entire time and then went on to try and get my coworker fired altogether by telling other supervisors that she was trouble and not to give her work.

To top it off the managers I thought were all cool all went with it and then lied later about it and about my coworker. And one of them started hitting on her while all of them were getting her fired.

It's disgusting to know that this company did all these things and I didn't know at all. They're always talking about appreciating people and caring about them but then they ignore harrasers and abusers. One of the managers was even known for being inappropriate because another woman came forward about all of this. All the other managers knew. HR knew. And they all just let it happen because it's how the company was. Alot of the friends I kept in touch with all knew about people being bullied or harassed and they just all stayed quiet because they were scared or didn't want to get involved or were fine with it because they were favorites.

I thought that places like Riot or Blizzard or Ubisoft were bad and atleast I worked somewhere different. This just feels gross now. And I was so happy for all these people getting raises and promotions and now it feels disgusting that they're like this. I'm so sad that a lot of the friends I had there that left all left for reasons like this because their mental health got so bad.

I hate that companies treat people like shit like that.

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